How to Prepare for Your First Appointment
Before Your Appointment
- If you wish to communicate with the doctor via email please fill out and return our email disclaimer form (Click Here to Download Form)
At Your Appointment
- Please bring:
- The patient!
- The patient’s valid Health Card
- A list of doctors involved in your child’s care
- Family Doctor
- Pediatrician
- Other Specialists
- A list of services involved in your child’s care, if any
- Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Language Therapy
- Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture
- Naturopath, Osteopath
- Other
- Please be prepared to answer questions about:
- The problem(s) that your child has been referred for
- If there is an abnormal event/movement in question, please try to video the event(s) for the doctor to see
- Any reports from other caregivers/teachers/therapists who may have insight into the problem
- Your child’s part medical history
- Any previous diagnosis/diagnoses
- Previous hospitalization(s), surgeries etc
- Bring a list of relevant Family Medical History
- Bring a list of medications and supplements that your child is on (if any)
- Bring any relevant tests/reports that you child has had recently (if any) such as:
- Recent blood work (within the last year)
- Genetic testing (if any)
- Imaging/brain scans (CT scan, MRI, etc)
- EEGs
- What will happen at the first appointment?
- The first appointment will primarily include
- Gathering information about the symptom(s) that the child is having
- The Neurologist will conduct a neurological exam
- There is discussion about the cause(s) of the symptoms and the management plan moving forward, including any testing that may be ordered
- Of note, at times the Neurologist may request some blood tests. If timing permits and fasting is not required, blood work can possibly be completed in the laboratory (LifeLabs) in the Lower Level of the building after the appointment
- The first appointment will not include
- Completion of some tests such as EEG or MRI. These tests may be requested by the Neurologist at the first visit, but they are conducted on a separate date at another location/hospital
- The first appointment will primarily include
- The problem(s) that your child has been referred for
Important Reminders
- The location of your appointment
- The majority of appointments are held at the Pediatric Neurology Clinic on Argus Road (see ‘Contact Us’ for address)
- Occasionally, appointments are held at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, but only if specifically indicated at the time of booking your appointment with the receptionist
- Free parking is available- but the parking lot can get quite busy
- The doctors generally run on time and sometimes early! Please do not be late for your appointment, as it can affect other appointments later in the day
- *Please be advised that failure to show up to your appointment (no-show), or canceling/re-scheduling your appointment without giving us 48h (2 business days) notice results in a $100 fee that is not covered by OHIP